Mid-Morning – Consider This … HomeFront Magazine, Small Things are Big Things, Brodie Swanson

March 3, 2016 /
Consider This …
Host: Lynne Ford
Consider this: insights to think about and things you might want to include in your life. Blogger Kara Noel Lawson (smallthingsarebigthings.com) observed trust in action while watching her husband toss their kids into the air.  And Brodie Swanson discovered that the question he uses to help his kids focus (What needs to be done?) had a similar affect in his life. What might God want to say to you through Kara and Brodie? HomeFront magazine’s Editor in Chief, Debbie Guinn, kicks off the hour that includes Jeff Bjorck’s beautiful take on Be Thou My Vision and readings from Russ Ramsay’s Behold the King of Glory.

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