My son for becoming an atheist and my husband for healing his attitude toward my son.

Carol M.
My son is 45 and single. He accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized when he was around 8 years old. As a young adult he got into alcohol and marijuana. God spoke to him one night and convinced my son to quit both, which he did. He started attending church and reading his Bible, until Satan attacked him and now he is an atheist. He wants to come and visit us. We live about 500 miles away. But my husband, who is a Christian, holds a 20 year old grudge against our son. I am afraid to ask him if our son can come that he will say no. Please pray that my husband will allow our son to come. Bottom line! Our son has disowned God and my husband has disowned our son. My husband is the biological father. As a mother, I really would like to spend some time with my son. Thank you for praying.