Financial breakthrough

Freda & Kerry D.
We need a Financial Breakthrough as we’ve been going through this for over 17 years just getting by from paycheck to paycheck. We need extreme prayer this week as we have to have our January rent by the 26 Friday we know the Lord put us here,as he made a way for getting us in this condo in Ft Wayne. We had a 26 foot U-Haul from June 29 to December 3. Staying in hotels, with a client I use to clean for, to sleeping in our car, & at the end staying with a couple of different friends. As through all of this he used us in all the places he had us in. From the U-haul place to the many hotels in Auburn & Ft Wayne At the last hotel we stayed in Auburn a lady that was a front desk worker gave her heart to The Lord All of our money went towards U-haul & hotels That is how we got behind on many things, so playing catch up. We believe someone is going to come forward to help us with our Jan rent. God Bless.