CAIN Best Dressed Contest CAIN is known for their fun color-matching outfits, and now WBCL listeners can be on stage and show off their best CAIN inspired looks! Three lucky winners will be chosen to sit in some of the best seats in the house during CAIN's "Live and in Color" concert on Sunday, September 24 at the County Line Church in Auburn! How to enter: 1. Dress up in your most creative head to toe blue CAIN concert outfit. 2. Post your photo on FB or IG. 3. Tag @caintheband and @wbclradio network. 4. Hashtag #cainbestdressed 5. IG accounts need to be public. 6. FB posts need to be public. Prize: 3 finalists will receive 1. Pair of Artist Circle tickets. 2. Access to the acoustic pre-show worship experience. 3. Go on stage before the show during WBCL’s crowd welcome. 1st place gets $100 in Cain Merchandise 2nd place gets $50 in Cain Merchandise 3rd place gets on Merchandise item of choice Dates: The contest begins at 12 AM on 8/28 and ends at 11:59 PM on 9/3. Winners will be notified the week of 9/4.